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Running behind Proxy

#Set proxy in ~/.bash_profile
export http_proxy=<proxy-url>
export https_proxy=<proxy-url>
export no_proxy=<ip_address/hostname>

Git Config Sample (~/.gitconfig)

        name = <username>
        email = <email-id>
        ui = auto
        default = matching 

Rebuilding Repos

In order to rebuild repos, ensure the following steps are followed as a pre-requisite

# Clean all go-mod packages
rm -rf ~/go/pkg/mod/*

#Navigate to specific folder where repos are built, example below
cd /root/isec/fs
rm -rf * .repo

Installing the Intel® SecL Kubernetes Extensions and Integration Hub

Intel® SecL uses Custom Resource Definitions to add the ability to base orchestration decisions on Intel® SecL security attributes to Kubernetes. These CRDs allow Kubernetes administrators to configure pods to require specific security attributes so that the Kubernetes Control Plane Node will schedule those pods only on Worker Nodes that match the specified attributes.

Two CRDs are required for integration with Intel® SecL – an extension for the Control Plane nodes, and a scheduler extension. The extensions are deployed as a Kubernetes deployment in the isecl namespace.

Deploy Intel® SecL Custom Controller

  • Copy isecl-k8s-extensions-*.tar.gz to Kubernetes Control plane machine and extract the contents

    scp /<build_path>/binaries/isecl-k8s-extensions-*.tar.gz <user>@<k8s_master_machine>:/<path>/
    tar -xvzf /<path>/isecl-k8s-extensions-*.tar.gz
    cd /<path>/isecl-k8s-extensions/
  • Create CRD

kubectl apply -f yamls/crd-1.14.yaml

kubectl apply -f yamls/crd-1.17.yaml
  • Check whether the CRD is created
kubectl get crds
  • Load the isecl-controller docker image
#Install skopeo to load docker image for controller and scheduler from archive
dnf install -y skopeo

#Push image to registry
cd /<path>/isecl-k8s-extensions/
skopeo copy oci-archive:<isecl-k8s-controller-*.tar> docker://<docker_private_registry_server>:5000/<imageName>:<tagName>
  • Update image name as above in /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/yamls/isecl-controller.yaml

         - name: isecl-controller
           image: <docker_private_registry_server>:5000/<imageName>:<tagName>

  • Deploy isecl-controller

kubectl apply -f yamls/isecl-controller.yaml
  • Check whether the isecl-controller is up and running
kubectl get deploy -n isecl
  • Create clusterRoleBinding for ihub to get access to cluster nodes
kubectl create clusterrolebinding isecl-clusterrole --clusterrole=system:node --user=system:serviceaccount:isecl:isecl
  • Fetch token required for ihub installation
kubectl get secrets -n isecl

#The below token will be used for ihub installation when configured with Kubernetes Tenant
kubectl describe secret default-token-<name> -n isecl
  • Additional Optional Configurable fields for isecl-controller configuration in isecl-controller.yaml
Field Required Type Default Description
LOG_LEVEL Optional string INFO Determines the log level
LOG_MAX_LENGTH Optional int 1500 Determines the maximum length of characters in a line in log file
TAG_PREFIX Optional string isecl A custom prefix which can be applied to isecl attributes that are pushed from IH. For example, if the tag-prefix is isecl. and trusted attribute in CRD becomes isecl.trusted.
TAINT_UNTRUSTED_NODES Optional string false If set to true. NoExec taint applied to the nodes for which trust status is set to false, Applicable only for HVS based attestation

Installing the Intel® SecL Integration Hub

  • Copy the API Server certificate of K8s Master to machine where Integration Hub will be installed to /root/ directory

In most Kubernetes distributions the Kubernetes certificate and key is normally present under /etc/kubernetes/pki. However this might differ in case of some specific Kubernetes distributions.

  • Update the token obtained in Step 8 of Deploy Intel® SecL Custom Controller along with other relevant tenant configuration options in ihub.env

  • Install Integration Hub

  • Copy the /etc/ihub/ihub_public_key.pem to Kubernetes Master machine to /<path>/secrets/ directory

#On K8s-Master machine
mkdir -p /<path>/secrets

#On IHUB machine, copy
scp /etc/ihub/ihub_public_key.pem <user>@<k8s_master_machine>:/<path>/secrets/hvs_ihub_public_key.pem

Deploy Intel® SecL Extended Scheduler

  • Install cfssl and cfssljson on Kubernetes Control Plane
#Install wget
dnf install wget -y

#Download cfssl to /usr/local/bin/
wget -O /usr/local/bin/cfssl
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cfssl

#Download cfssljson to /usr/local/bin
wget -O /usr/local/bin/cfssljson
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cfssljson
  • Create TLS key-pair for isecl-scheduler service which is signed by Kubernetes apiserver.crt
cd /<path>/isecl-k8s-extensions/
chmod +x

export MASTER_IP=<k8s_machine_ip>
export HOSTNAME=<k8s_machine_hostname>

#Create TLS key-pair
./ -n "K8S Extended Scheduler" -s "$MASTER_IP","$HOSTNAME" -c <k8s_ca_authority_cert> -k <k8s_ca_authority_key>

In most Kubernetes distributions the Kubernetes certificate and key is normally present under /etc/kubernetes/pki. However this might differ in case of some specific Kubernetes distributions.

  • Copy the TLS key-pair generated to /<path>/secrets/ directory
cp /<path>/isecl-k8s-extensions/server.key /<path>/secrets/
cp /<path>/isecl-k8s-extensions/server.crt /<path>/secrets/
  • Load the isecl-scheduler docker image
#Push image to registry
cd /<path>/isecl-k8s-extensions/
skopeo copy oci-archive:<isecl-k8s-scheduler-*.tar> docker://<docker_private_registry_server>:5000/<imageName>:<tagName>
  • Update image name as above in /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/yamls/isecl-scheduler.yaml

         - name: isecl-scheduler
           image: <docker_private_registry_server>:5000/<imageName>:<tagName>

  • Create scheduler-secret for isecl-scheduler

cd /<path>/
kubectl create secret generic scheduler-certs --namespace isecl --from-file=secrets
  • The isecl-scheduler.yaml file includes support for both SGX and Workload Security put together. For only working with Workload Security scenarios , the following line needs to be made empty in the yaml file. The scheduler and controller yaml files are located under /<path>/isecl-k8s-extensions/yamls
  value: ""
  • Deploy isecl-scheduler
cd /<path>/isecl-k8s-extensions/
kubectl apply -f yamls/isecl-scheduler.yaml      
  • Check whether the isecl-scheduler is up and running
kubectl get deploy -n isecl
  • Additional optional fields for isecl-scheduler configuration in isecl-scheduler.yaml
Field Required Type Default Description
LOG_LEVEL Optional string INFO Determines the log level
LOG_MAX_LENGTH Optional int 1500 Determines the maximum length of characters in a line in log file
TAG_PREFIX Optional string isecl. A custom prefix which can be applied to isecl attributes that are pushed from IH. For example, if the tag-prefix is *isecl.* and *trusted* attribute in CRD becomes *isecl.trusted*.
PORT Optional int 8888 ISecl scheduler service port
HVS_IHUB_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH Required string Required for IHub with HVS Attestation
SGX_IHUB_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH Required string Required for IHub with SGX Attestation
TLS_CERT_PATH Required string Path of tls certificate signed by kubernetes CA
TLS_KEY_PATH Required string Path of tls key

Configuring kube-scheduler to establish communication with isecl-scheduler


The below is a sample when using kubeadm as the Kubernetes distribution, the scheduler configuration files would be different for any other Kubernetes distributions being used.

  • Add a mount path to the /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml file for the Intel SecL scheduler extension:

    - mountPath: /<path>/isecl-k8s-extensions/
      name: extendedsched
      readOnly: true
  • Add a volume path to the /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml file for the Intel SecL scheduler extension:

- hostPath:
    path: /<path>/isecl-k8s-extensions/
    type: ""
  name: extendedsched
  • Add policy-config-file path in the /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml file under command section:
- command:
  - kube-scheduler
  - --policy-config-file=/<path>/isecl-k8s-extensions/scheduler-policy.json
  - --bind-address=
  - --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf
  - --leader-elect=true
  • Restart kubelet
systemctl restart kubelet
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