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Installing/Configuring the Database

Installing/Configuring the Database

The Intel® SecL-DC Authentication and Authorization Service (AAS) requires a Postgresql 11 database. Scripts (, are provided with the AAS that will automatically add the Postgresql repositories and install/configure a sample database. If this script will not be used, a Postgresql 11 database must be installed by the user before executing the AAS installation.

Using the Provided Database Installation Script

Install a sample Postgresql 11 database using the script. This script will automatically install the Postgresql database and client packages required.

Add the Postgresql repository:

Create the iseclpgdb.env answer file:


Note that the values above assume that the database will be accessed locally. If the database server will be external to the Intel® SecL services, change these values to the hostname or FQDN and IP address where the client will access the database server.

Run the following command:

dnf module disable postgresql -y

Execute the installation script:


The database installation only needs to be performed once if the same database server will be used for all services that require a database. Only the "create_db" step needs to be repeated if the database server will be shared.

Provisioning the Database

Each Intel® SecL service that uses a database (the Authentication and Authorization Service, the Verification Service, the Integration Hub, the Workload Service) requires its own schema and access. After installation, the database must be created initialized and tables created. Execute the script to configure the database.

If a single shared database server will be used for each Intel® SecL service (for example, if all management plane services will be installed on a single VM), run the script multiple times, once for each service that requires a database.

If separate database servers will be used (for example, if the management plane services will reside on separate systems and will use their own local database servers), execute the script on each server hosting a database.

./ <database name> <database_username> <database_password>

For example:

./ isecl_hvs_db hvs_db_username hvs_db_password
./ isecl_aas_db aas_db_username aas_db_password
./ isecl_wls_db wls_db_username wls_db_password

Note that the database name, username, and password details for each service must be used in the corresponding installation answer file for that service.

Database Server TLS Certificate

The database client for Intel® SecL services requires the database TLS certificate to authenticate communication with the database server.

If the database server for a service is located on the same server that the service will run on, only the path to this certificate is needed. If the provided Postgres scripts are used, the certificate will be located in /usr/local/pgsql/data/server.crt

If the database server will be run separately from the Intel® SecL service(s), the certificate will need to be copied from the database server to the service machine before installing the Intel® SecL services.

The database client for Intel® SecL services will validate that the Subject Alternative Names in the database server’s TLS certificate contain the hostname(s)/IP address(es) that the clients will use to access the database server. If configuring a database without using the provided scripts, ensure that these attributes are present in the database TLS certificate.

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