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Key Broker Service

Installation Answer File Options

Configuration Options

Command-Line Options

The Key Broker Service supports several command-line commands that can be executed only as the Root user:

Usage: kbs [arguments]

Available Commands: help|-h|--help Show this help message version|-v|--version Show the version of current kbs build setup Run setup task start Start kbs status Show the status of kbs stop Stop kbs uninstall [--purge] Uninstall kbs --purge all configuration and data files will be removed if this flag is set

Usage of kbs setup: kbs setup [--help] [--force] [-f ] --help show help message for setup task --force existing configuration will be overwritten if this flag is set -f|--file the answer file with required arguments

Available Tasks for setup: all Runs all setup tasks download-ca-cert Download CMS root CA certificate download-cert-tls Download CA certificate from CMS for tls create-default-key-transfer-policy Create default key transfer policy for KBS update-service-config Sets or Updates the Service configuration

Directory Layout

The Verification Service installs by default with the following folders:


Contains KBS binaries


Contains KBS configuration files


Contains KBS logs

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