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Installing the Workload Policy Manager

Installing the Workload Policy Manager

Required For

The WPM is REQUIRED for the following use cases.

  • Workload Confidentiality (both VMs and Containers)

Package Dependencies

Supported Operating Systems

The Intel® Security Libraries Workload Policy Manager supports:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4

  • Ubuntu 20.04

  • 2 vCPUs

  • RAM: 8 GB

  • 100 GB

  • One network interface with network access to the Key Broker and Workload Service

  • Additional memory and disk space may be required depending on the size of images to be encrypted


  • Copy the WPM installer to the /root directory

  • Create the wpm.env answer file:

KBS_BASE_URL=https://<IP address or hostname of the KBS>:9443/kbs/v1/
WPM_SERVICE_USERNAME=<WPM_Service username from populate-users script>
WPM_SERVICE_PASSWORD=<WPM Service password from populate-users script>
CMS_TLS_CERT_SHA384=<Sha384 hash of the CMS TLS certificate>
CMS_BASE_URL=https://<IP address or hostname for CMS>:8445/cms/v1/
AAS_API_URL=https://<Hostname or IP address of the AAS>:8444/aas/v1
BEARER_TOKEN=<Installation token from populate-users script>

For Container Encryption only, add the following line to the wpm.env installation answer file:

##For the CRI-O container runtime:
  • Execute the WPM installer:

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