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Installing the Workload Service

Installing the Workload Service

Required For

The WLS is REQUIRED for the following use cases.

  • Workload Confidentiality (both VMs and Containers)


The following must be completed before installing the Workload Service:

  • The Certificate Management Service must be installed and available

  • The Authentication and Authorization Service must be installed and available

  • The Verification Service must be installed and available

  • The Workload Service database must be available

Supported Operating Systems

The Intel® Security Libraries Workload Service supports:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4

  • Ubuntu 20.04


  • Copy the Workload Service installation binary to the /root directory.

  • Create the workload-service.env installation answer file

WLS_DB_USERNAME=<database username>
WLS_DB_PASSWORD=<database password>
WLS_DB_HOSTNAME=<IP or hostname of database server>
WLS_DB_PORT=<Database port; 5432 by default>
WLS_DB=<name of the WLS database>
WLS_DB_SSLCERTSRC=<path to database TLS certificate; the default location is typically /usr/local/pgsql/data/server.crt >
HVS_URL=https://<Ip address or hostname of the Host verification Service>:8443/hvs/v2/
WLS_SERVICE_USERNAME=<username for WLS service account>
WLS_SERVICE_PASSWORD=<password for WLS service account>
CMS_BASE_URL=https://<IP or hostname to CMS>:8445/cms/v1/
CMS_TLS_CERT_SHA384=<sha384 of CMS TLS certificate>
AAS_API_URL=https://<IP or hostname to AAS>:8444/aas/v1/
SAN_LIST=<comma-separated list of IPs and hostnames for the WLS>
BEARER_TOKEN=<Installation token from populate-users script>
  • Execute the WLS installer binary:
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