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Installing the Workload Agent

Installing the Workload Agent

Required For

  • Workload Confidentiality (both VMs and Containers)

Supported Operating Systems

The Intel® Security Libraries Workload Agent supports:

  • Red Hat Enterprise

  • Linux 8.4


The following must be completed before installing the Workload Agent:

  • Intel® SecL Trust Agent installed and active.

  • cryptsetup

  • (REQUIRED for Virtual Machine Confidentiality only):

  • QEMU/KVM must be installed

  • libvirt must be installed


  • Copy the Workload Agent installation binary to the /root/ directory

  • Verify that the trustagent.env answer file is present. This file was necessary for installing/provisioning the Trust Agent. Note that the additional content required for Workload Confidentiality with either VM Encryption or Container Encryption must be included in the trustagent.env file (samples provided in the previous section) for use by the Workload Agent.

  • Execute the Workload Agent installer binary.

  • Reboot the server. The Workload Agent populates files that are needed for the default SOFTWARE Flavor, and a reboot is required for those measurements to happen.
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