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Steps for Helm chart Cleanup

To uninstall a chart

helm uninstall <release-name> -n <namespace>

To list all the helm chart deployments

helm list -A

Cleanup steps that needs to be done for a fresh deployment

  • Uninstall all the chart deployments.
  • Cleanup the data at NFS mount and trustagent data mount on each nodes (/etc/trustagent, /var/log/trustagent)
  • Remove all objects(secrets, rbac, clusterrole, service account) related namespace related to deployment kubectl delete ns <namespace>.
  • For charts Trusted-Workload-Placement and Trusted-Workload-Placement-Cloud-Service-Provider, ISecl-Scheduler should be disconnected from K8s base scheduler. This can be done by configuring in manifest of kube-scheduler as mentioned below, by commenting the --config option
    - command:
      - kube-scheduler
      - --authentication-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf
      - --authorization-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf
      - --bind-address=
      - --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf
      - --leader-elect=true
      #- --config=/opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/kube-scheduler-configuration.yml
  • Restart Kubelet which restart all the k8s services including kube base scheduler
        systemctl restart kubelet


Before redeploying any of the chart please check the pv and pvc of corresponding deployments are removed. Suppose if you want to redeploy aas, make sure that aas-logs-pv, aas-logs-pvc, aas-config-pv, aas-config-pvc, aas-db-pv, aas-db-pvc, aas-base-pvc are removed successfully.
Command: `kubectl get pvc -n <namespace>` && `kubectl get pv -n <namespace>`