Workload Agent
Available Setup Tasks
download-ca-cert Download CMS root CA certificate
signing-key Generate a TPM signing key
binding-key Generate a TPM binding key
register-signing-key Register a signing key with the host verification service
register-binding-key Register a binding key with the host verification service
update-service-config Updates service configuration
Variables for Setup Tasks
Below are the variables that can be used to configure the setup tasks:
HVS_URL Host Verification Service API endpoint
BEARER_TOKEN Bearer token for accessing AAS api
TRUSTAGENT_USERNAME TrustAgent component service account for changing binding key file ownership
HVS_URL Host Verification Service API endpoint
BEARER_TOKEN Bearer token for accessing AAS api
TRUSTAGENT_USERNAME TrustAgent component service account for changing binding key file ownership
update-service-config setup
LOG_LEVEL Log level
LOG_ENTRY_MAXLENGTH Maximum length of each entry in a log"
WLA_ENABLE_CONSOLE_LOG <true/false> Workload Agent Enable standard output"
WLS_API_URL Workload Service URL"
SKIP_FLAVOR_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION <true/false> Skip flavor signature verification if set to true