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Upgrades for foundational security usecases is supported using helm upgrade mechanism. Upgrades are supported only for usecases which are deployed using helm.


Before performing any upgrade, Intel strongly recommends backing up the data mounted at NFS.

Upgrade Process

Upgrade process is done using helm upgrade command.


Intel assumes all services for any use-case are up and running before proceeding with the upgrade.

Push all the newer version of container images to registry. All oci images will be in k8s/container-images.


skopeo copy oci-archive:<oci-image-tar-name> docker://<registry-ip/hostname>:<registry-port>/<image-name>:<image-tag> --dest-tls-verify=false


Add helm repo
helm repo add isecl-helm
To search for helm repo with versions
helm search repo --versions
Download chart and values.yaml
helm pull isecl-helm/<chart-name> && tar -xzf <chart-name>-$VERSION.tgz <chart-name>/values.yaml 
e.g helm pull isecl-helm/Host-Attestation && tar -xzf Host-Attestation-$VERSION.tgz Host-Attestation/values.yaml  
Update the values.yaml, the values given in values.yaml should be same as that of given for currently deployed version.

Charts with v5.1.0 has undergone changes from that of v5.0.0 and has changes in values.yaml file. The description provided in comments would help user to understand for setting appropriate values, the credentials for services given for v5.0.0 should be same for v5.1.0 as well.

versionUpgrade: true
currentVersion: "v5.0.0"
dbVersionUpgrade: false
  dbVersionUpgradeImage: <Registry>/db-version-upgrade:v11-v14

Set the value for currentVersion under global section in values.yaml to the currently deployed version(if v5.0.0 is deployed currently then set the value as "v5.0.0")

Set the value for versionUpgrade to true. Set the value for dbVersionUpgrade to false, as there is no change in db image version.

Upgrade the charts with the below commands
   kubectl delete --all jobs -n <namespace> # Delete all the jobs, since jobs cannot be upgraded.
   kubectl scale deploy --all --replicas=0 -n <namespace> # Scale down all services, so that upgrade happens smoothly without any inconsistencies
   helm upgrade <release-name> isecl-helm/<chart-name> --version $VERSION -n <namespace> -f <chart-name>/values.yaml
   e.g helm upgrade host-attestation isecl-helm/Host-Attestation --version $VERSION  -n isecl -f Host-Attestation/values.yaml

For charts Trusted-Workload-Placement and Trusted-Workload-Placement-Cloud-Service-Provider, ISecl-Scheduler should be disconnected from K8s base scheduler. This can be done by configuring in manifest of kube-scheduler as mentioned below, by commenting the --config option

  - command:
    - kube-scheduler
    - --authentication-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf
    - --authorization-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf
    - --bind-address=
    - --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf
    - --leader-elect=true
      #- --config=/opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/kube-scheduler-configuration.yml

Uncomment the --config option once upgrade is complete and all service pods are successfully running and jobs are completed.

Restart Kubelet which restart all the k8s services including kube base scheduler

    systemctl restart kubelet

Rollback Services

Rollback is supported using helm rollback mechanism. The data at NFS will be automatically backed up using upgrade jobs during upgrade process, the backed up data will be stored in a versioned directory. The init containers at every pod will ensure that the versioned data directory mounted at NFS pointing corresponding PV to correct version.

For rolling back to previous version, all jobs need to be deleted mandatorily since helm/k8s doesnt support rollback of jobs.

kubectl delete jobs --all -n <namespace>

Search for last successfully deployed helm chart for immediate previous version and find out the revision number with below command

helm history <release-name> -n <namespace>
e.g helm history Host-Attestation -n isecl

Rollback to previous revision

 helm rollback <release-name> <last successfully deployed revision number> -n <namespace>
 e.g helm rollback Host-Attestation 1 -n isecl
 kubectl scale deploy --all --replicas=0 -n isecl # Scale down and scale up services for reflecting the persistent volume claim to get volumes mounted to previous release version.
 kubectl scale deploy --all --replicas=1 -n isecl